Aviasales UA – search for cheap air tickets in Ukraine and CIS countries. Use our free airfare search to find the cheapest flight to your destination and, just as importantly, the one that suits your budget.
How to fill out the form:
Specify the city of departure and arrival.
Select the date of departure and return. If you do not need a return ticket, click on the corresponding button when choosing a date.
Please indicate the number of adults, children (ages 2-12 inclusive), and children (under 2 years old). Choose a business class if necessary.
Check the box “Find hotels in a new window” to search for hotels in the city of arrival.
Click “Find tickets”.
Useful tips for filling out the form:
Buying round-trip tickets at once is more profitable than buying them separately.
Most carriers provide discounts for tickets for children under 2 years old without a separate seat, provided that one child is accompanied by one adult. If you are traveling with children under 2 years old or children from 2 to 12 years old, you need to pay a partial fare and separate seats.
You can specify not only the city but also the airport of arrival. To do this, enter the city name to find the airport you need.
In business class, the number of seats is smaller, and the ticket price and comfort level are higher.